Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Teach Like a Champion: No Opt Out

In the book "Teach Like a Champion," (Jossey-Bass, 2010) teacher Doug Lemov outlines 49 techniques that increase learning in classrooms. What I have enjoyed about this book is the practical, concrete nature of his techniques. His premise is that specific considerations are critical for maximized learning and use of time in the classroom, even though these techniques and procedures sometimes seem too mundane to merit consideration.

Technique #1 is "No Opt Out."  According to Lemov, No Opt Out means
"a sequence that begins with a student unable to answer a question should end with the student answering the question as often as possible."

There are several ways for this to happen, but in all cases, the student who either doesn't or can't answer the question is revisited after prompting or hearing someone else answer the question. In some cases, the student just repeats the answer they have heard from another student. In others, after prompting, the student is able to answer the question independently. In either case, the student recognizes that their answers and learning matter, and that voluntarily opting out of answering will not save them work.

Next Technique: Right is Right

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